Watercolor Background Compression Sample 1


This is made as a fixed background so you can scroll the data away and get a better look when you compare to the original file.

This file is not reduced.  It is the original artwork scanned from real paper.
It has 89,875kb  in size  and takes 35 seconds for this page.
(My system it's even faster than what FrontPage. Mine did it in 15 seconds.)
I made both pages with the same data so they could be equally compared.

Notice how sharper the leaves and branches are?
Notice the quality of the rainbow is much better than the compressed image?
Colors blend better and there is no obvious showing of every pixel as is this
were a mosaic image rather than a watercolor.

See this image reduced to 75%.
It is a mere 5 seconds faster, but it's not as sharp.

Quality remains true to how the art was painted with non-compression.

You want speed, then you'll have to go with solid colors, or tiles.

But art on-line is a personal choice by special webmasters.

And, compression of images is also a personal choice per use.
Some want to compress only 10%, others want to compress more.

I am unable to provide you with images with several compression offers.
I give you the ORIGINAL and the BEST QUALITY for FREE!
























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