Words and Lyrics: John J. Stanford,  Shamus O'Connor, Red Latham, Wamp Carlson & Guy Bonham
Sung by Bing Crosby on December 6, 1945
Accompanied by Bob Haggert & Orchestra

MacNamara's Band was so popular it became a Gold Record for Bing!

Oh, me name is MacNamara, I'm the leader of the band.
Although we're few in numbers, we're the finest in the land.
We play at wakes and weddings and at every fancy ball.
And, when we play the funerals, we play the March from Saul.

Oh, the drums go bang and the cymbals clang and the horns they blaze away,
McCarthy pumps the old bassoon while I the pipes do play,
And Henessee Tennessee tootles the flute and the music is somethin' grand,
A credit to old Ireland is MacNamara's band,

Right now we are rehearsin' for a very swell affair,
The annual celebration, all the gentry will be there,
When General Grant to Ireland came, he took me by the hand.
Says he, "I never saw the likes of MacNamara's Band."

Oh, the drums go bang and the cymbals clang and the horns they blaze away.
McCarthy pumps the old bassoon while I the pipes do play.
And Henessee Tennessee tootles the flute and the music is somethin' grand.
A credit to old Ireland is MacNamara's band.

Oh, my name is Uncle Julius and from Sweden I did come.
To play with MacNamara's Band and beat the big bass drum.
And when I march along the street the ladies think I'm grand.
They shout, "There's Uncle Julius playin' with an Irish band!"

Oh, I wear a bunch of shamrocks and a uniform of green.
And I'm the funniest lookin' Swede that you have ever seen.
There is O'Brians, O'Ryans, O'Sheehans and Meehans, they come from Ireland.
But, by yimminy, I'm the only Swede in MacNamara's Band.

Oh, the drums go bang and the cymbals clang and the horns they blaze away.
McCarthy pumps the old bassoon while I the pipes do play.
And Henessee Tennessee tootles the flute and the music is somethin' grand.
A credit to old Ireland is MacNamara's band.

That's MacNamara!

Don't forget to visit the rest of our St. Patrick's Day fun  :)

St. Patrick's Day 
Legend, Folklore, Symbols, 
Fun and Phobia.

Bit O' Blarney Irish
Trivia Fun

How much do you really know about this holiday and being Irish?

St. Urho's Day
 March 16.

The Finnish Saint of Grasshoppers.
Fact or Fiction?

River Dancing 
Teddy Bear
We're giving Michael Flatley some competition.
Check out our fleetly footed River Dance animation!

Couch Dance
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Blarney Stone or 
Barney Stone?

How the legend started + our cartoon pun!

Irish Horoscopes
These Celtic personality profiles are based on trees and animals.

Irish Blessings, Sayings
and other Stuff!

Who doesn't love those colorful Irish expressions?
Here are some.

Irish Sing-Alongs
We've chosen a few of the most popular Irish songs. Some are vocal, some just music.

Irish Cartoons
We've cleaned up a few Irish jokes and made them into cartoons suitable for kids 12 or older.

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