October 2025 Holidays


October Banner Image
Bizarre, Crazy, Silly, Unknown Holidays & Observances

October comes from the Latin word octo, "eight," because it was the eighth month of the early Roman calendar.
Stone = Opal      Flower = Snap Dragon

 Holiday Authenticity
How Holidays Begin and How to Start One.

Rules for Use:

All our holidays are validated with sponsors, organizations, proclamations, history; or, we validate the source or origin for an observance to prove it's not made up.

I do not respect other holiday sites that steal my information and put it on a site wanting to make money from ads or charging to even validate a holiday.

I'll add holidays for free if they are coming from a valid source and not obscene, hateful, etc..

My holidays as a daily, weekly, monthly and total composite are copyrighted via this domain and are not to be taken and put on another website, blog,  or made into a downloadable application, etc.. Doing so is a violation of the DMCA.   

I invite you to use my holiday pages for personal use, off-line use for clubs, newsletters, homemade calendars, etc..

October 2025  Monthly Holidays

Adopt A Dog Month Link   Link
Adopt A Shelter Dog Month
Adopt A Turkey Month Link  Link (October thru December)
AIDS Awareness Month (President Reagan)  Link  (also December)
American Pharmacists Month Link
Antidepressant Death Awareness Month
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Month Link
Apple Month Link
Bat Appreciation Month
Black Cat Awareness Month Link
Black Speculative Fiction Month  Link
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Bullying Prevention Month Link
(World) Blindness Awareness Month Link
Caffeine Addiction Recovery Month
Celiac Disease Awareness Month
Celebrating The Bilingual Child Month
Children's Magazine Month
Christmas Seal Campaign (10/1-12/31)
Church Library Month
Church Safety and Security Month
Class Reunion Month Link
College Students with Disabilities Advoacy Month
Contact Lens Safety Month
Co-op Awareness Month
Corn Month Link
Country Music Month Link
Croctobeer Link
Cut Out Dissection Month
Domestic Violence Awareness Month Link
Down Syndrome Awareness Month Link
Dyslexia Awareness Month
Eat Better, Eat Together Month
Eczema Awareness Month
Emotional Intelligence Awareness Month
Emotional Wellness Month
Employee Ownership Month Link
Energy Management is a Family Affair-Improve Your Home Month (10/1-3/31/13)
eSport Month Link
Eye Injury Prevention Month  Link  (Note: There is also one in July.)
Fair Trade Month Link
Financial Planning Month
Feral Hog Month or Hog Out Month  Link
Gay & Lesbian History Month
German-American Heritage Month
Give Veterans A Smile Month Link
Global Diversity Awareness Month
Go Hog Wild - Eat Country Ham
Go Sober For October Link
Halloween Safety Month
Head Start Awareness Month Link
Health Literacy Month
Home Eye Safety Month
I'm Just Me Because Month  Link
Italian-American Heritage Month Link
International Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC) Awareness Month
International Starman Month
International Strategic Planning Month
International Walk To School Month  Link
Intergeneration Month
Learn To Bowl Month    Link
LGBT History Month Link
Long Term Care Planning Month
Month of Free Thought
National Aesthetician Month  Link
National AIDS Awareness Month  Link  (Note: July is HIV Awareness Month also.)
National Animal Safety and Protection Month Link  Link
National Arts & Humanities Month
National Audiology/Protect Your Hearing Month
National Bake and Decorate Month
National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month
National Caramel Month  Link
National Chili Month
National Chiropractic Health Month
National Cookbook Month
National Crime Prevention Month
National Critical Illness Awareness Month
National Cyber Security Awareness Month Link
National Dental Hygiene Month
National Disability Employment Awareness Month Link
National Depression Education & Awareness Month
National Disability Employment Awareness Month
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month  Link
National Down Syndrome Month
National Dwarfism Awareness Month  Link
National Ergonomics Month Link
National Family Sexuality Education Month - Let's Talk! Link
National Field Trip Month
National "Gain The Inside Advantage" Month
National Go On A Field Trip Month
National Hospice & Palliative Care Month
National Kitchen & Bath Month Link
National Liver Awareness Month
National Medical Librarians Month
National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month  Link
National Orthodontic Health Month
National Pescatarian Month
National Physical Therapy Month
National Polish-American Heritage Month
National Popcorn Poppin' Month
National Pork Month Link
National Protect Your Hearing Month Link
National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month Link
National Reading Group Month
National Retirement Security Month Link
National Roller Skating Month
National RSV Awareness Month Link
National Sarcastic Awareness Month
National Seafood Month Link
National Spina Bifida Awareness Month
National Stamp Collecting Month
National Stop Bullying Month
National Substance Abuse Prevention Month Link
National Toilet Tank Repair Month Link
National Translators Month (Moved from Sept.)  Link
National Window Covering Safety Month Link
National Work and Family Month
National Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Awareness Month
Organize Your Medical Information Month
Photographer Appreciation Month
Pizza Month Link  Link
Polish American Heritage Month
Positive Attitude Month
Raptor Month
Rat and Mouse Month Link
Raynauds Awareness Month  Link
Rett Syndrome Awareness Month
Right Brainers Rule! Month
Sausage Month Link
Self-Promotion Month
SIDS Awareness Month (Safe Sleeping Month)
Spinach Lovers Month
Squirrel Awareness and Appreciation Month Link (Different Than Squirrel Appreciation Day in January)
Substance Use Prevention Month

Talk About Medicines Month
Teen Services Month
Vegetarian Month
Wishbones for Pets Month (10/15 - 11/30)
Women Walking In Their Own Shoes Month
Workplace Politics Awareness Month
World Menopause Month
Youth Justice Action Month

October 2025  Weekly Holidays

*Getting The World To Beat A Path To Your Door Week: 1-7
*National Walk Your Dog Week: 1-7 Link   Link
*Trichotillomania, Skin Picking & Related BFRB Awareness Week: 1-5  Link
*Universal Children's Week: 1-7
National Dance Week: 3-12 Link (Moved from April)
*No Salt Week: 3-10
National Storytelling Weekend: 3-5 (1st Full Weekend)
*World Space Week: 4-10 Link
Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta: 4-12  Link (First thru Second Weekend)
Fire Prevention Week: 5-11  Link (Always the Sun-Sat which has 10/9 in it.)
International Post Card Week: 5-11 Link  (1st Full Week)
4-H Week: 5-11 Link (1st Full Week)
Death Penalty Focus Week: 5-11 (Always has 10th in it)
Emergency Nurses Week: 5-11 (Always has 2nd Wed. in it)
Great Books Week: 5-11 (1st Full Week)
Kids' Goal Setting Week: 5-11 ( 1st Week)
Mental Illness Awareness Week: 5-11 (1st Full Week)
Mystery Series Week: 5-11 (1st Full Week)
National Health Care Food Service Week: 5-11 Link  (First Week)
National Metric Week: 5-11 (Aways has 10th in it)
National Midwifery Week: 5-11  Link
National Work From Home Week: 5-11 (1st Full Week)
Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Week : 5-11  (1st Full Week)
Primary Care Physicians Week: 5-11  Link
Customer Service Week: 6-10  (1st M-F  First Full Week) Link
Drive Safely Work Week: 6-10 Link   (M-F of First Full Week)
Financial Planning Week: 6-12  (1st Mon-Sun Week)
Industrial Water Week: 6-10 (First Full M-F Week)
National Heimlich Heroes Week: 6-10  (First Full M-F Week)
*National Physicians Assistant Week: 6-12
Pediatric Nurses Week: 6-10 Link
Pet Obesity Week: 6-12 Link
Spinning & Weaving Week: 6-12 Link (First Full Week)
Sukkot: 6-13
World Karaoke Championships: 7-12 Link
World Dairy Expo: 7-12 (First Tues. - Sunday)
Great American Beer Festival: 9-11  Link 
*Take Your Medicine Americans Week: 10-17
Apple Butter Days: 10-12 (Second Full Weekend)
*Bone and Joint Health National Awareness Week: 12-20 Link
Bullying Bystanders Unite Week: 12-18  (Third Week)
Emergency Nurses Week: 12-18 (2nd Full Week)
National Women's Motorcycle Week: 12-18 Link (2nd Full Week)
Drink Local Wine Week: 12-18 (2nd Full Week)  
Earth Science Week:  12-18 Link (Always 2nd Full Week)
Emergency Nurses Week: 12-18
International Infection Prevention Week: 12-18 Link
National Chestnut Week: 12-18  (2nd Full Week)
National Food Bank Week: 12-18 (Week Always Has 16th in it, World Food Day)
OCD Awareness Week: 12-18 (2nd Week) Link
Teen Read Week: 12-18 (Always Has Columbus Day)
Veterinary Technicians Week: 19-25 Link (Third Week)
World Rainforest Week: 13-18 Link  (Begins the 2nd Monday)  (Note: World Rainforest Day is in June)
Choose To Be G.R.E.A.T. Week: 13-18 Link  (Starts on 2nd Monday-Friday)
National School Lunch Week: 13-18 (Starts on 2nd Monday)
Apple Butter Days: 17-19 (Third Weekend)
Asexuality Week: 19-25   Link
Freedom From Bullies Week: 19-25  (Third Full Week)
Food & Drug Interactions and Awareness Week: 19-25 
Give Wildlife a Brake! Week: 19-25   Link
 (Last Week. We lose daylight and need to be more alert for animals while driving.)
International Dyslexia Association Reading Week: 19-25 
National Business Women's Week: 19-25  (Third Full Week)  Link
National Character Counts Week: 19-25  (Third Full Week)
National Chemistry Week: 19-25  (Third Full Week)
National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week: 19-25  Link  (Third Full Week)
National Forest Products Week: 19-25  (Starts Third Sunday)
National Friends of Libraries Week: 19-25  (Third Full Week)
National Pharmacy Week: 19-25  Link  (Third Full Week)
National School Bus Safety Week: 19-25  (Third Full Week)
National Teen Drivers Safety Week: 19-25  Link (Third Full Week)
Rodent Awareness Week: 19-25  (Third Full Week)
Spiritual Care Week: 19-25  (Third Full Week
Career in Energy Week: 20-25  (Begins on Third Monday)
Freedom of Speech Week: 20-26  Link (Third Full M-Sun Week)
Mediation Week: 20-26 Link  (Third Full M-Sun Week)
Medical Assistants Recognition Week: 20-24  (Third M-F Week) Link
National Health Education Week: 20-24  Link
National Nuclear Science Week: 20-24  (Third M-F Week)
Pro Bono Week: 20-26   Link
YWCA Week Without Violence: 20-25 Link (Begins on 3rd Monday)
*Red Ribbon Week: 23-31  Link  (Last 9 days of the month)
*Disarmament Week: 24-30
*Prescription Errors Education & Awareness Week: 24-31
*World Origami Days: 24-11/11
*International Magic Week: 25-31
Kids Care Week: 26-11/1  (Always Includes 10/27 Make A Difference Day)
National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week: 26-11/1 Link  (Last Full Week)
National Massage Therapy Week: 26-11/1  Link  (Last Full Week)
National Respiratory Care Week: 26-11/1  Link (Last full week)
Pastoral Care Week: 26-11/1  Link  (Last Full Week)
Polar Bear Week: 26-11/1  (First Full Week that includes first days of Nov.)
Nuclear Science Week: 27-31 (Last M-F Week)

October 2025 Daily Holidays


Balloons Around The World Day: 1 (First Wednesday) 
Coffee With A Cop Day: 1 (First Wednesday) Link
*CD Player Day: 1
*Fire Pup Day: 1
*International BeautyFull World Day: 1
*International Coffee Day: 1  Link
*International Day of Older Persons: 1
*International Music Day: 1 Link
*Model T Day: 1
*National Black Dog Day: 1 Link
*National Book It! Day: 1
*National Green City Day: 1 Link
*National Hair Day: 1  Link
*National Lace Day: 1 Link
National Pumpkin Seed Day: 1 (First Wednesday)  Link
*National Walk Your Dog Day: 1
Random Acts of Poetry Day: 1 (First Wednesday)
*Vegan Baking Day: 1
*Willy Wonka Day: 1  Link
*World Vegetarian Day: 1
Yom Kippur: 1-2

*Audiophile Day: 2  Link
Bring Your Bible To School Day: 2 Link (First Thursday)
*Guardian Angels Day: 2
*International Day of Non-violence: 2
Latina's Equal Pay Day: 2? Link
*Name Your Car Day: 2 Link
*National Custodial Workers Day: 2
*National Produce Misting Day: 2 Link
*National Smarties Day: 2 Link
*Peanuts (Cartoon) Day: 2
*Phileas Fogg's Wager Day: 2
*World Farm Animals Day: 2

Kids Music Day: 3 (First Friday)
Lee's National Denim Day: 3 (First Friday)
Manufacturing Day: 3  (First Friday)  Link
National Body Language Day: 3 (First Friday) Link
National Diversity Day: 3 (First Friday)
National Manufacturing Day (MFG Day): 3 (First Friday)
National Storytelling Weekend: 3-5 (1st Full Weekend) (1st Friday)
*Techies Day: 3
World College Radio Day: 3 Link (First Friday)
World Plaid Day or Plaidurday: 3 Link (First Friday)
World Smile Day: 3 (First Friday) Link


Bed & Breakfast, Inn Mascot Day: 4 (Saturday before the first Sunday in October.)
*Blessing of The Animals Day (aka Blessing of the Pets Day, World Pet Day): 4  Link
Cephalopod Awareness Day: 4 (First Saturday)
Chowder Days: 4-5 (First Weekend) Link
*Dick Tracy Day: 4
Frugal Fun Day: 4  (First Saturday)
Inter-American Water Day: 4 (First Saturday) Link
*Improve Your Office Day: 4
*International Ship in A Bottle Day: 4
*Kanelbullens Dag (Cinnamon Roll Day): 4  Link
Kids Music Day: 4
NASCAR Day: 4  Link  (Also in May)
National Banana Pudding Day: 4  Link
National Play Outside Day: 4 Link  (First Saturday)
*National Taco Day: 4 Link
*Ten-Four Day: 4
*Vodka Day: 4 Link
Walk A Mile In Her Shoes Day: 4 Link (First Saturday to register your walk. Actual date of a walk can vary. See website.)
World Card Making Day: 4 (First Saturday)
*World Animal Day: 4 Link  Link
*World Child Development Day: 4
*World Child Health Day: 4
World Porridge Day: 4 Link (First Saturday)

*American Veterans Disabled For Life Awareness Day: 5  Link  Link
Blessing of The Fleet (San Franciso): 5 (First Sunday)
*Chic Spy Day: 5
Country Inn Bed & Breakfast Day: 5 (First Sunday)
*Dupuytren Disease Awareness Day: 5
*Get Funky Day: 5 Link
Get Out And Drive Day: 5  Link  (First Sunday)
Intergeneration Day: 5 (First Sunday)
International African Diaspora Day: 5 (First Sunday)
International Blessings of The Fishing Fleet Day: 5 (South Africa) (First Sunday)   (Note: US Fishing villages do this on different dates.)
*Dupuytren Disease Awareness Day: 5
*International Day of No Prostitution: 5  Link
National G.O.E. (Growth, Overcome, Empower) Day: 5 (Sunday of the First Full Weekend)
Pickle Day: 5 Link  ( First Sunday)  (See also Nov.15)
World Communion Day: 5  (First Sunday)
*The Victims of Marijuana Prohibition Day: 5  Link
*Vranec World Dy: 5 Link
*World Teachers Day: 5 Link


*American Libraries Day: 6
Blue Shirt Day/World Day of Bullying Prevention : 6 (First Monday)
Child Health Day: 6 (First Monday)
*International Geodiversity Day: 6
*Jackie Mayer Rehab Day: 6
*Mad Hatter Day: 6 Link
Moms' Equal Pay Day: 6? Link
*National Badger Day: 6
*National Coaches Day: 6 Link
National Consignment Day: 6 (First Monday) Link  Link
*National German-American Day: 6
*National Noodle Day: 6
*National Orange Wine Day: 6  Link
*National Plus Size Appreciation Day: 6
Sukkot: 6-13
Supreme Court Opening Day: 6  Link (First Monday)
World Day of Architecture: 6 Link (First Monday)
World Day of Bullying Prevention: 6 ( First Monday)
World Habitat Day: 6 (First Monday)

*LED Light Day: 7  Link
*National Chocolate Covered Pretzel Day: 7  Link
*National Forgiveness Day: 7
National Fruit At Work Day: 7 Link  (First Tuesday)
*National Triegeminal Neuralgia Awareness Day: 7  Link
*World Cotton Day: 7  Link  Link

*Alvin C. York Day: 8
Bullying Prevention Day: 8  (2nd Wednesday)
Emergency Nurses Day: 8 (2nd Wednesday)  Link
*International Podiatry Day: 8  Link Link
International Top Spinning Day: 8  (2nd Wednesday)
*Microwave Oven Day: 8 Link
National Bring Your Teddy Bear To Work & School Day: 8 (2nd Wednesday)
National Curves Day: 8  Link   (2nd Wednesday)
*National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day: 8
*National Pierogy Day: 8
*National Salmon Day: 8
National Take Your Parents To Lunch Day: 8 (2nd Wednesday)
S.A.V.E. (Stop America's Violence Everywhere): 8 Link  (2nd Wednesday)
Walk & Roll To School Day: 8 Link  
World Financial Planning Day: 8  Link (Wed. of first full week)
*World Octopus Day: 8 Link

*International Beer and Pizza Day: 9  Link
*Leif Erikson Day: 9
Legends Cephalopods: 9  Link
National Depression Screening Day:9 Link  (Thursday of first full Week)
*National Nanotechnology Day: 9 (Honors the Naonometer Scale 10-9 meters) Link
*National Pro-Life Cupcake Day: 9
*Nautilus Night (Cephalopods): 9 Link
*PANS/PANDAS Awareness Day: 9  Link
*World Post Day: 9
*World Post Card Day: 9 Link
World Sight Day: 9 Link (2nd Thursday)

*Hug A Drummer Day: 10   Link
*International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction: 10
*International Newspaper Carrier Day: 10
*International Stage Mangement Day: 10 Link
Kof Awareness Day: 10?  Link
*Little League Incorporated Day: 10  Link
*Motorsports Memorial Day: 10
*National Cake Decorating Day: 10
National Family Bowling Day (or Kids Bowl Free Day): 10 Link (2nd Friday)
*National Handbag Day: 10  Link
*National Metric Day: 10 Link
*Naval Academy Day: 10
*Squid & Cuttlefish Day: 10 Link
*US Naval Academy Day: 10
World Egg Day: 10 Link (2nd Friday)
*World Day Against The Death Penalty: 10 Link 
*World Homeless Day: 10 Link
*World Mental Health Day: 10

Burgoo Day: 11-12 (Columbus Day weekend)
Costume Swap Day: 11 (2nd Saturday)  Link
*Emergency Nurses Day: 11  Link
*General Pulaski Memorial Day: 11 (President)  Link   (Note: See also March 7)
I Love Yarn Day: 11 Link  (2nd Saturday)
International African Penguin Awareness Day: 11 Link (2nd Saturday)
*International Day of The Girl Child: 11 Link
International Off-Road Day: 11 Link (2nd Saturday)
International Migratory Bird Day: 11  (2nd Saturday) Link  (Also in May)
International Pinotage Day: 11 Link (2nd Saturday)
National Chess Day: 11 Link (2nd Saturday)
National Motorcycle Ride Day: 11  Link (2nd Saturday)
*Myths & Legends Awareness Days For All Fantasy Movie, Books and
 Legends Cephalopods: 11
*National Coming Out Day: 11
*National Pet Obesity Awareness Day: 11 Link 
*National Sausage Pizza Day: 11 Link
*Southern Food Heritage Day: 11
Tender Loving Care Day: 11  Link (2nd Saturday)
Universal Music Day: 11 (2nd Saturday)
Urban Wildlife Conservation Day: 11 Link (2nd Saturday)
US Oyster Day: 11-12

Clergy Appreciation Day (or Pastor Appreciation Day or Ministry Appreciation Day)  (No official sponsor. Always 2nd Sunday): 12 Link Link
*Columbus Day: 12  LINK  Link (Traditional but always observed on 2nd Monday)
*Day of the Six Billion: 12 Link
*Drink Local Wine Day: 12
Father-Daughter Day: 12  (2nd Sunday)
*Fossil Day (for cephalopods): 12  Link
*Free Thought Day: 12
*International Day Against DRM: 12  Link
*International Moment of Frustration Scream Day: 12  Link
*National Farmer's Day: 12  Link
*National Savings Day: 12 Link
*Stem Cell Awareness Day: 12 Link
*World Arthritis Day: 12 Link

Columbus Day: 13  Link  Observed
Indigenous Peoples' Day: 13 (2nd Monday)
*English Language Day: 13 Link
*International Day for Disaster Reduction: 13
*Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day: 13
*National Chess Day: 13 Link (See also 9th)
National Kick Butt Day: 13 (2nd Monday)
*National No Bra Day: 13 Link  (Also July 8) Link Link Link
National Online Banking Day: 13 Link (2nd Monday)
Native American Day: 13 (2nd Monday)
*Navy Birthday: 13  Link
Shemini Atzeret: 13-14
*Silly Sayings Day: 13
*World Thrombosis Day: 13  Link

Ada Lovelace Day: 14 (2nd Tuesday)
*Be Bald and Be Free Day: 14 Link Link Link
International Face Your Fears Day: 14 (2nd Tuesday)
*International Pinotage Day - 14  Link
*National Real Sugar Day: 14 Link
*National Women in Franchising Appreciation Day: 14
Simchat Torah: 14-15
*Spider-Man Day: 14 Link (See also Aug. 1)
World Child Development Day: 14 (2nd Tuesday)
*World Standards Day: 14 Link


*Blind Americans Equality Day: 15
BRA Day USA: 15 Link  (breast reconstruction awareness)  (3rd Wednesday)
*Global Handwashing Day: 15 Link
Hagfish Day: 15 Link (3rd Wednesday) 
Information and Misinformation Overload Day:15 (3rd Wednesday)
*International Day of Rural Women: 15
International Pronouns Day: 15 Link (3rd Wednesday)
*International Day of Rural Women: 15
*I Love Lucy Day: 15
*National Aesthetician Day: 15  Link
*National Cake Decorating Day: 15
*National Cheese Curd Day: 15 Link
National Fossil Day: 15  Link  (On Wednesday of Earth Science Week)
* National Grouch Day: 15
*National Latino AIDS Awareness Day: 15 Link
*National Shawarma Day: 15 Link
*National White Cane Safety Day: 15 Link
*National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day: 15  Link
Support Your Local Chamber of Commerce: 15 (3rd Wednesday)
Thank Your Cleaner Day: 15 Link  Link  (3rd Wednesday)
Unity Day: 15  Link (3rd or 4th Wednesday)

Conflict Resolution Day: 16 Link (3rd Thursday)
*Department Store Day: 16
*Dictionary Day: 16 (Noah Webster's Birthday. Different than one in April)
Get Smart About Credit Day: 16 (3rd Thursday)
Get to Know Your Customers Day: 16 ( January 16, April 17, July 17 and October 16 = 3rd Thurs. of Each Quarter)
Harry Potter Book Day: 16  Link (Thurs. of 2nd full week)
Imagine A Day Without Water: 16? Link
International Credit Union Day: 16 (3rd Thursday) Link
*Global Cat Day: 16
National Boss's Day (or Boss's Day): 16 (Annually Oct. 16. Unless it falls on a weekend. Then it's the closest workday.) Link  Link Link Link
*National Feral Cat Day: 16 Link
Spirit Day: 16 Link  (3rd Thursday)
*World Anesthesia Day: 16  Link
*World Food Day: 16
*World Spine Day: 16  Link

*Black Poetry Day: 17
*International Day for the Eradication of Poverty: 17
Mammography Day: 17 (Third Friday) 
*Mulligan Day: 17
*National Edge Day: 17 Link
*National Pasta Day: 17 Link (Note: World Pasta Day is 10/25)
*National Playing Card Collectors Day: 17
*National Vehophobia Awareness Day: 17  Link
*Pay Back A Friend Day: 17 Link 
*Wear Something Gaudy Day: 17
*World Geothermal Energy Day: 17 Link


 Bridge Day: 18 Link (3rd Saturday)
*Hard Boiled Guy/Girl Day: 18 Link
*International Legging Day: 18 Link
*International Necktie Day: 18  Link
International Raw Milk Cheese Appreciation Day: 18 (3rd Saturday)
*Meatloaf Appreciation Day: 18 
*National Chocolate Cupcake Day: 18
*National Exascale Day: 18 Link
*Newpaper Comic Strip Appreciation Day: 18
Sloth International Day: 18  Link  (3rd Saturday)
Sweetest Day: 18 (3rd Saturday)
The Whole Hog Barbeque Day: 18 Link (3rd Saturday)
World Esports Day: 18  Link (Second from the Last Saturday)
*World Menopause Day: 18

*Accounting Day: 19 Link (Also May 19)
*Evaluate Your Life Day: 19  Link
*International Gin and Tonic Day: 19  Link
*LGBT Center Awareness Day: 19
National Sunday School Teacher Appreciation Day: 19 (3rd Sunday)
*World Statistics Day: 19  (Observed every 5 years. Next one 2029)
World Toy Camera Day: 19 (3rd Sunday)

*Croc Day: 20 Link
*Dogfathers Day: 20
*International Chefs Day: 20 Link  Link  Link  Link Link  Link (Chef Appreciation Day in US - August 20 and Personal Chef's Day July 16.)
*International Day of Air Traffic Controllers: 20 Link
*Miss American Rose Day: 20
Lung Health Day: 20 (Monday of Respiratory Care Week.)
National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day: 20 (3rd Monday)
*National Day on Writing: 20 Link
*National Sasquatch Awareness Day: 20  Link  (Bigfoot)
*National Youth Confidence Day: 20 Link
*World Statistics Day: 20 (Observed every 5 years. Next 2030)


Diwali: 21 Link  (This varies every year. See link.)
*Global Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD) Prevention Day: 21
National Pharmacy Technician Day: 21 Link (3rd Tuesday)
*National Witch Hazel Day: 21 Link
Pro-life Day of Silent Solidarity: 21 Link (3rd Tuesday)
*Reptile Awareness Day: 21  Link

Birth of The Bab: 22
*International Stuttering Awareness Day: 22
International Print Day: 22 Link  (4th Wednesday)
*Make A Dog's Day: 22 Link
Medical Assistants Recognition Day: 22 Link  (Wednesday of Third Full Week)
*National Tavern Style Pizza Day: 22 Link

*National Tex Mex Day: 22  Link
*Smart is Cool Day: 22

*Birth of Baha'Ullah: 23
*IPod Day: 23
*National Mole Day: 23 Link (Avogadro number)
Read for The Record Day: 23?  Link
*Swallows Depart from San Juan Capistrano Day: 23
*TV Talk Show Host Day: 23 (Always on Johnny Carson's birthday)


*Accountant's Day or Accounting Day: 24 (International Accounting Day is in November)
*Food Day: 24 Link
*Recycle Your Mercury Thermostat Day: 24
*United Nations Day: 24
*World Development Information Day: 24

American Frog Day: 25 Link
Crystal Skull World Day: 25? Link
Hogeye Day: 25 (4th Saturday)
*International Artists Day: 25 Link
Make A Difference Day: 25 (4th Saturday)
*National Merritone Music Day: 25 Link
National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day (Fall): 25 Link  (Also on April 22 (Spring)
Pit Bull Awareness Day: 25 Link  (4th Saturday)
*Sourest Day: 25
*St. Crispin's Day: 25 Link
*World Pasta Day: 25 Link
*World Pizza Makers Day: 25 Link

*Howl at The Moon Night: 26  Link (Traditional. But different areas might have different dates.)
*International Mavrud Day: 26  Link
*Intersex Awareness Day: 26  Link
Mother-in-Law Day: 26 (Always 4th Sunday)
*Mule Day: 26   (Historical, not celebration.)
Honors the importation of the first Spanish Jacks to the US which were a gift from King Charles III of Spain delivered October 26, 1785 in Boston.George Washington then began breeding them in the US. For the celebration, go to March 31 or Columbia, TN )

*National Chicken Fried Steak Day: 26 Link
*National Day of The Deployed: 26
*National Financial Crime Fighter Day: 26 Link
Reformation Sunday: 26 (Last Sunday.)
Visit A Cemetery Day: 26 (Last Sunday)

*Black Cat Day: 27 Link
*Cranky Co-workers Day: 27  Link
*National Civics Day: 27 Link
*National Mentoring Day: 27 Link (Int'l Mentoring Day is 1-17)
*Navy Day: 27  Link
*World Day for Audiovisual Heritage: 27

*Champagne Day: 28  (US Champagne Bureau. Different than one on Dec. 28)  Link
*Childcare Superhero Day: 28
*International Animation Day: 28
*National Chocolate Day: 28  Link
*National First Responders Day: 28 Link  Link Link Link
*National Internal Medicine Day: 28 Link
*St. Jude's Day: 28

*Internet Day: 29 Link
*National Cat Day: 29 Link  Link
*National Hermit Day: 29 Link
*Snowmobile Day: 29 Link
*World Psoriasis Day: 29  Link
*World Stroke Day: 29 Link


Carignan Day: 30 Link (Last Thursday)
*Checklist Day: 30
*Create A Great Funeral Day: 30 Link
*Devil's Night or Mischief Night: 30
*Haunted Refrigerator Night: 30  Link
*National Candy Corn Day: 30  Link
*National Publicist Day: 30  Link
*National Uplift Someone Day: 30  Link
*Speak Up For Service Day: 30  Link
*World Audio Drama Day: 30

*Beggars' Night: 31
*Books For Treats Day: 31
*Chucky, The Notorious Killer Doll Day: 25 Link
Frankenstein Friday: 31 (Last Friday)
Global Champagne Day: 31 (Last Friday) Link
International Bandanna Day: 31Link  (Last Friday)
*Day of the Seven Billion: 31 Link
*Girl Scout Founder's Day: 31 Link
* Halloween or All Hallows Eve: 31
*Magic Day: 31
National Breadstix (Bread Sticks) Day: 31 (Last Friday)
*National Caramel Apple Day: 31  Link
*National Doorbell Day: 31 Link
*National Knock-Knock Jokes Day: 31
*National Magic Day: 31
National Pharmacy Buyer Day: 31 Link (Last Friday)
*National UNICEF Day: 31
*Reformation Day: 31 Link
*Samhain: 31 Link
*"Trick or Treat?" Beggars Night: 31
*World Cities Day: 31
*World Savings Day: 31  Link

October 2025 Moon Phases

Current Moon View
as of today

Full Moon

11:48 pm

Last Qtr.
2:13  pm

New Moon
 8:25 am

First  Qtr.

 12:21 pm

Full Moon on  the 6th  is called "Hunter's Moon" by Native Americans of New England and the Great Lakes because at this time of the year the deer are fattened and it's time to hunt (as well as many other animals.)  Since all the crops are harvested, it's now time to gather food by hunting animals. It's also been called the Travel Moon and Blood Moon.

Also, this full moon in 2025 is called a "Super Moon."  Why?  Because it reaches 90% of it's perigree. In other words, it will be closest to the earth and looking very BIG!

October 2 - Annular Solar Eclipse:  When the moon is too far away from the Earth to totally cover the Sun.  This causes a ring of light around a darkened moon because the Sun's corona isn't visible during an annular eclipse.  The path will begin in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of South America and move across parts of Chile and Argentina.  The partial eclipse will be visible throughout most o southern South America.

October 7- Draconids Metero Shower that's not too impressive.  It should produce only 10 meterors per hour.And, viewing is best in early evening (rather than early morning.)  It runs from October 6-10 but peaks on the 7th.

October 21-22 - Orionids Meteor Shower which produces about 20 meteors per hour when peaking.  This runs from October 2 to November 7, but peaks on October 21 and morning of October 22.  The moon might block the fainter meteors.

October 29: Mercury at Greatest Elongation.  Best time to view this planet.




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