Holiday Authenticity

Crazy, Unknown, Bizarre, Goofy, Silly, Odd,  Wacky, Wild and Respected and Traditional, Holidays and Observances Listing

 Rather than put this on every monthly page, I made a link to this page to save clutter.

All listings  on our site are validated either via a printed source or an official website for that observance.  I do not validate any of my data
from other holiday sites.

  I will not list an observance I can't prove is real  and that it's not made up and just been passed around from website to website, blog to blog, etc.
I validate  by knowing its source or sponsor  most of the time.
 I will not fill in a blank day with a  cute, funny and fake holiday like some sites. 

We usually don't have observations for every single day of the year! Some years we do because of observance rules and they fall on different days every year (thus filling in a blank one.)

If you find a site that has observances for every single day,  well...
I'd be suspicious of them making stuff up to fill in the blanks.
They also take a lot of their information from me!


I also do not list  "on this day 100 yrs. ago" items. 
But, if you want to know this?  Check out these sites:
If you want "On This Day" in History information, go to The History Channel!
Want to know if anyone famous was born today? Visit Famous Birthdays!
A great source for what was the Song Hit of the Day is Bob Dearborn Disc Jockey site.
Just log in any day on a search engine, and Wikipedia tells you both birthdays, events, etc. for it.

Because dates are tentative and also change a lot, I'm not going to  list the Indian Tribal Gatherings per month.
But, here's a link to all the Indian  PowWows for the entire year!

So what is an official validated holiday other than a legally declared one by the government?
An observance MUST have a validated origin  source and/or an official sponsor  (meaning someone who actually takes responsibility for following through on observing this on a national or state level, and not just the  "creator" of the idea of it)  and have it registered in Chase's Calendar of Events, or run a website dedicated to the observance (not a blog!).  Otherwise, it's just a funny, goofy holiday created by someone for  attention or whatever reason..  I find sites claiming  to validate their sources and yet do not list them so people can check their references. Hmmm?  My sources are listed below and at the bottom of every monthly page. Or, they are validated via website links if not in Chase's Calendar of Events.

Remember, the internet is a field for fraud! Just because a site  may sound official, doesn't mean it is. Just because it's website design is technically sophisticated, doesn't mean the information on it is valid, accurate or up-to-date either.  I've spotted websites with out-dated  holiday information even though their  web design might be more snazzy than mine is.

Some holidays listed as "Monthly Observances" start in one month and go into another to cover their 30 days. For example: An observance begins on  May 15  and goes to June 15. I listed this for May, the starting month. I do not list for both months.

By request, I've now included some of the traditional observances that you see on your average calendar, along with the lesser known ones under the Days area.

Here are word links back to each of our 
2025 Current Monthly Listings.
Since we are not sure which month you came from to view this.
















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