Brownielocks and The 3 Bears
present pages dedicated to



We also have
Word Origins
Anagrams, all a part of our
Palace of Pizazz word fun area!


Our student bloopers consists of several topic sections:
History, Science, Music,
Bible and Literature.
The Link to the left will start you
on the main blooper page.

This is a lot like our Bloopers above, only they are just one line long. And there is only one page blending all topics.


Many quotes by numerous people on the topic of teachers (or teaching),  our educational system, students, grades, childhood school days, etc.
Some are funny, some are profound
or serious.


This area has jokes about teachers, students, school and education humor if various school subjects.


The History of Graduation:
Ceremony, Music, Ring, Yearbook, Cap & Gown, Valedictorian, Baccalaureate, 

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Brownielocks' Holidays & Fun For Everyone!  © 1999-2025