Brownielocks and The
3 Bears
In tribute to
All Who Get The Messages Through!
(From any branch, in any way.)
Our little bear is sending
a message with the flags. ;)
(Go to the Flag Chart below
and see if you can decode what he's saying.)
Naval Signal Flags
It seems I was born into communications. My father was a U.S. Navy Signalman. I have been a switchboard operator (Yeah, think of Lillie Tomlin from Laugh-in!), learnt shorthand, studied Morse Code, have done ventriloquism and for several years did satellite communications with the North Pole. (Someday I hope to learn sign language.) Anyway, I know first-hand how important getting information fast and accurate is.
Who knows what
the future holds for that important message of tomorrow?
Charts with Nautical Flags and Their Meanings

Semaphore Flag Signals

Zazzle Store Products were created
by Brownielocks for all patriotic occasions.